The economic transformation caused by the digital economy has only just begun. Smart cities, IoT, 5G, high-speed intercontinental communication, autonomous vehicles, cloud computing, etc all require large amounts of physical infrastuture to become a reality.
In the telecom and IT infrastructure space we have served data center, cloud computing, fiber, and cable firms and trade associations. Our projects include the economic and fiscal impact of data centers, the economic development potential related to subsea cables and terrestrial fiber, and policy research on municipal provision of broadband service.
Our recent related reports in this space are available below.
Energy, in all of its forms, is the power to do work. Energy is the vitality required for all economic activity.
In the renewable and conventional energy space, we serve production and midstream firms and trade associations. Our projects include economic and fiscal impact assessments of the construction and ongoing operation of wind energy and solar power facilities, battery energy storage systems, nuclear facilities, and natural gas projects and pipelines. We have also analyzed the economic development and fiscal impact of building out the supply chain for oil and natural gas operations off of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.
Tourism and entertainment is one of the most valuable “export” industries in any local economy. Most revenues are derived from out-of-area customers, serving to diversify and expand the local economy.
In the tourism and entertainment space, we serve hoteliers; sports teams, events, and venues; museums; and film production firms and trade associations. Our work includes hotel feasibility, the economic impact of museums and sports venues, and the return on investment of film-production tax credits.